We fully realize that privacy is a big concern to you. In the process of managing your investments, you share personal financial information with us. This might include information we receive from you directly or indirectly from third parties such as brokerage houses and banks, regarding your accounts with them and information about your transactions with us. We value your trust and make every effort to continue to deserve your confidence.
Protecting your privacy is important to us and your personal information is only shared with those firm employees, consultants and stockholders with whom it is necessary to perform the services you have hired us to do. We will not share your personal information with any third party without your prior consent and approval. State and federal laws, and the standards of the Investment Advisors profession, pledge us to keep your information confidential unless we are required by a legal authority to divulge the information.
Your personal information is stored in a secure space or on a secure computer. We take our obligation to you very seriously and value your trust. When your personal information is no longer needed (generally after five years), it is shredded, erased or destroyed before being recycled.