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Who We Are

Garhwal, Chan & Williams Inc. is a wealth management firm, while our sister company, Garhwal, Chan & Williams, is a full-fledged CPA firm. Many clients make use of both services, holistically integrated to leverage our full 70 years of combined industry experience, resources, insights, and discipline.

We do not seek short-term gains for our clients based on market timing or individual securities performance. Our strategies are based on a disciplined, long-term, even multigenerational approach, informed by three guiding principles that have seen us through market ups and downs: competency, character, and leadership.


Driven by a sense of wonder and curiosity, we have forged a learning organization that constantly seeks excellence. The world is moving too fast for knowledge to begin and end with formal education. Our commitment: to grow continuously, updating and expanding our skills to serve our clients.


Without character, even the most gifted financial talent flounders. Our uncompromising ethical standards enable the principled leadership that builds our clients’ trust. With the United States currently facing a crisis of integrity and profound lack of principled leadership, we consider it our mission to be part of the solution. In the words of Immanuel Kant, “Do what’s right, no matter the cost.”


Responsible leadership, consistently lived and practiced, sets the tone for any firm’s culture. But leadership encompasses vision as well as ethics. With the current trend toward globally integrated capital markets, the global GDP of emerging economies projected to rise to 65% by 2025, and the advent of rising urbanization, purchasing power, and population in those markets, a global mindset and a nuanced sensitivity towards diverse cultures are the prerequisites for investment success.